
13:15. Check of installation and adjustment of a road gleam


After each movement of a body and each measurement performed during the procedure described below the car it is necessary to roll away a little back and forth by rotation of one of driving wheels for the purpose of removal of tension arising in suspension bracket components.


1. Check pressure of a rating of tires, in case of need make the corresponding adjustment.
2. Lift the car on a platform.
3. Transfer a suspension bracket to "Normal" situation.
4. Release the parking brake.
5. Start the engine.
6. From below push the car with hands up, then release: the body has to shake down, then rise and be stabilized.
7. Determine height of a road gleam by a forward axis on both sides of the car for what measure distance between the plane of contact of wheels with a platform and the lower surface of a stretcher on the site passing along axes of power shafts. As control parameter arithmetic-mean value of two removed measurements undertakes.
8. Working in a similar manner, determine height of a road gleam by a back suspension bracket. In this case the distance from bearing platform plane to the lower surface of back rubber pillows of support of a suspension bracket is measured, then arithmetic-mean value of two removed measurements is calculated.
9. Compare results of check to requirements of Specifications.


Adjustment of a road gleam is made by means of special tools and its performance should be charged to specialists of car service.