
7.1.9. Removal and installation of a starter



1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
2. Prop up antiretractable boots back wheels. Firmly cock the parking brake, then a front of the car and establish to a poddomkratta it on props. In case of need remove an air cleaner casing (see the Head of the Power supply system and release).

3. Release two fixing nuts and disconnect an electrical wiring from the traction relay of a starter. Remove the washers established under nuts.

4. Supporting assembly of a starter, turn out three fixing bolts. Remove washers. Try to remember the provision of arms of fastening of hoses and an electrical wiring.

5. Take a starter from under the engine. Remove the directing pin(s).


Installation is made upside-down. Do not forget to establish into place the directing pin(s) and arms of fastening of hoses/electrical wiring. Strongly tighten fixture.