
7.1.10. Check of serviceability of functioning and repair of a starter

Full diagnostics of a starter has to be made in the conditions of a workshop of car service. Depending on model, on the Citroyon Xantia cars starters of Valeo (Ducellier) or Bosch can be established. Turning on of the stator is made by means of the electromagnetic actuator (the traction relay), providing connection of a starter with the rechargeable battery. At the same time traction relay displaces assembly of a mobile gear wheel with the obgonny coupling to a gear wreath of a flywheel / a driving disk. After start of the engine the coupling provides a gear wheel conclusion from gearing with a gear wreath of a flywheel, preventing thereby destruction of anchor assembly.



1. For check of a starter at a full tension it is necessary to connect among themselves by means of a wire with a section not less than 4 mm 2 plugs 30 (the big plug on Bosch starter) and 50 (Shtekerny contact to the right of the big plug).
2. If now the starter begins to work regularly, it is necessary to check a condition of the electrical wiring brought to it. If the starter still does not work, it is necessary to remove it from the car and to make detailed diagnostics at the control stand in a specialized workshop.
3. The replaceable starter on the type has to conform to requirements of the engine installed on the car.

Starter of Bosch


Assembly diagram of a starter of Bosch

The description of procedures of repair of a starter of Bosch is provided in the present Section.


1. Turn out bolts from the forward party of the traction relay and bring the driving lever out of gearing.
2. Give fixing bolts and uncover the back party of a starter.
3. Turn out collector bearing cover bolts.
4. By means of the screw-driver remove a fixing clip from a pin of a shaft of anchor assembly. Remove fine details, then uncover (in case of need again use the screw-driver as the lever). Do not forget about podkladny washers.
5. Take coal brushes from svy guides, remove the brush holder.
6. Remove the starter case with polar windings. Remove a persistent finger of the driving lever, take the lever.
7. Take sealing laying from a bearing cover (try to remember an installation order).
8. Brushes are soldered to their windings of polar coils and are replaced only assembled with the last (see further).

9. Turn out four screws of a polar boot. Rotate screws, having rested against the region a vent the end of a brass drift and putting on its opposite end weak, but sharp blows with the hammer.

10. Take a polar boot and remove from it the coil with a brush.

11. For removal of anchor assembly or a gear wheel of a starter perform the following procedures:
   a) By means of a piece of a pipe of suitable diameter bring down a persistent ring down, having released the lock ring specified by an arrow;

   b) Take a lock ring from the flute on an anchor shaft pin;
   c) Chamfer a shaft pin edge;

   d) Clamp an anchor in a vice with soft sponges and remove a driving gear wheel from a shaft;

12. Wash out special gasoline all components, except for polar coils. Check an anchor for existence of signs of the burned-down windings. Estimate smoothness of a surface of a collector. The collector can be processed by a fine-grained emery paper. Strongly worn-out collector can be subjected to a pro-point (within the minimum admissible value of diameter). In case of doubts do not hesitate to address for consultations experts.

The driving gear wheel is not subject to dismantling and in case of failure is replaced assembled.


Assembly is made upside-down. Pay attention that the minimum admissible thickness of brushes makes 13 mm. For replacement the old brush should be crushed flat-nose pliers and to smooth out the end of a wire. Then the wire should be inserted into a new brush, to fluff up from its reverse side and, holding flat-nose pliers, to solder.


Pay special attention for the next moments:
   a) Do not forget to replace a lock ring of a driving gear wheel;

   b) After landing of a lock ring rest a persistent ring against a support of a press and press in it a lock ring, pressing on an anchor shaft;

   c) When replacing the plug of a cover of the collector bearing (the plug is pressed off from a cover) the cover before landing of the new plug should be warmed in hot oil within 5 minutes;

   d) At installation of the traction relay track that the pusher correctly entered the driving lever. The points designated by letters should be greased before assembly by sealant.

The axial side play of an anchor has to lie within 0.1 ÷ 0.3 mm and is regulated by selection of thickness of the leveling washer stacked between the end of the plug in a cover of the bearing and the With-shaped lock washer

Starter of Valeo (Ducellier)

Assembly diagram of a starter of Valeo (Ducellier)

Works on dismantling of a starter are performed according to the assembly diagram. Brushes for replacement have to be unsoldered.



1. Turn out two long bolts and the central bolt, uncover. Try to remember the adjusting provision of washers.
2. Remove the starter case.
3. Remove the traction relay.
4. Beat out a pin from the gear wheel drive lever. It is necessary to beat out a pin справ on the left, looking from the drive.
5. Take an anchor from a bearing cover from the drive. Check a condition of an anchor. Wipe with the collector's rags moistened in gasoline (gasoline should not get on windings). Strongly polluted collector can be smoothed out by means of a fine-grained emery paper.
6. In case of identification of progar of the collector it is necessary to pierce. Work has to be performed by means of the special devices allowing to control and maintain the minimum admissible diameter (deliver assembly in a workshop of car service).
7. A hacksaw cloth make spent on drink 0.5 mm in depth between collector plates.
8. Check freedom of the course of a driving gear wheel, in case of need make replacement (see further).
9. Remove a lock ring from an anchor shaft pin, then by means of a piece of a pipe of suitable diameter bring down a persistent ring (as it was described for Bosch starter).
10. Check a condition of coal brushes, if necessary make their replacement. Brushes have to be unsoldered from polar coils.



1. Before assembly grease the forward plug.
2. Establish an anchor and the traction relay in a bearing cover from the drive. Hammer (on the left side) a pin of the driving lever.
3. Grease the back plug and establish a cover. Track correctness of introduction to gearing of springs.
4. When fastening a cover track correctness of installation of washers. Screw the central bolt. Need for adjustment of a free wheeling of a gear wheel of the stator is absent.
5. Screw two long coupling bolts.